" You Gotta serve Somebody "
------ Bob Dylan
" You gotta Believe in Somethin'...... Why NOT Believe in ME ? "
------- Pimp creedo
Check it out :
From: David
Wilcher (dwilcher@woh.rr.com)
Date: 2001-12-01 10:26:55 PST |
Wow. What a show this was. It was scheduled to start at 9:00. We took off from Dayton early, and stopped and had a nice dinner. We still got there a bit too early - it was at the Crown Plaza hotel, and they weren't taking tickets yet. So we took a seat in the lobby outside of the ballroom where the show was going to be. There were only a few people there, and it seemed like they all had passes around their necks.. We said hello to a few folks, and then Foley shows up. After speaking to his manager?, he comes over to us, and apologies are offered - there was some problem, and the show is going to start late. He then insists on buying us drinks, and talks to us about George Harrison's passing. What a great guy - the tickets were only $10 each, so he lost most of what we paid him in buying us drinks. We go in and watch the soundcheck and see that the band consists of drums, Foley on bass and guitar, Bobbie Sparks on keys, a DJ doin' some mixin' and scratchin' - and a chamber orchestra (10 or 11 pieces?) This is going to be cool... After soundcheck, the DJ does his thang while the rest of the band goes and does theirs. The place fills up nicely. About 11:30! the show starts. Many technical problems, no bass! - but the band lays down a groove. Ok, it finally gets started. I'm terrible with setlists - and I didn't recognize most of the stuff anyway - a lot of it was based on what the DJ was spinning.. but a few Beatles songs were played. In My Life, and I Am The Walrus - the orchestra sounded great! Then back to some funky stuff that made me want to dance. My body can't do it anymore (and besides, I'm too white ;) - but I was dancing like a motherfucker in my mind! Foley - I have to describe him. He was wearing bib overalls, painted with pictures of Bob Marley, Miles, Hendrix... very cool. A white shirt with the sleeves stretched out past his hands, and a scarf/bandana around his head, tied in the front. He looked to me like a cross between Tupac Shakur and Ving Rhames. (I mean that in a good way!) And he was dancing around, bouncing and jumping like he was the happiest man on earth. They did do Kashmir (for those of you who have the CDr), and the Zep sample started with the DJ, and then the orchestra kicked in, and it just kept building and building.... damn. Foley can sing his ass off too. I think it all end around 1:45 when Foley announced he couldn't stand no more, or he would go insane - and he plopped down looking totally drained. Wow. We drove home, about a 1.5 hour drive, and I was bouncing in my seat all the way. Foley Rocks. dave
Photos : FOX TV
Two Words :
Being a Huge fan of "Seinfeld".......I didn't think I'd see anything on TV again ,
that could think "Outta the Box" as much as those Kats did with that Show!
I guess y'all been " Prayin' fah Him ''
I've always felt that "Musicians" ( by nature ) can HEAR a little better than
"Non -Musical" people , & "Painters" can SEE better than most .
Mrs. Brice-Dolance has joined an Elite group of Artists who can......
( the quick list )
Miles Davis
Joni Mitchell
Ron Wood
Chaka Khan
Jerry Garcia
Michael Jackson
Natalie Merchant
I really hate to use the "G" word (genius) but it bests describes her work!
She's putting together a Collection of some of her best work, as we speak.
Here, check it out for yourselves "CLICK HERE"
U can also see her rock "Violin" @ our Concert on Nov. 30th !
Stay Tuned ....
"How do you feel about Hitler sharing yours?"
------Muhummad Ali
Ali pleasantly responded .
When reporters asked how he felt about the suspects
in the "Terrorist Killings" sharing his Islamic faith.
* Damn *
( Ain't nothing wrong wit "Thinking" Sometimes )
"Well , That depends on if You're.....Drinking or Pouring"
---- Bill Cosby's 85yr.old (3rd grade Educated) Gramdmother
Aiiiiiight ??
Vince Scacchetti
Nicole Craycraft
Adrianne Wininsky
Christina Brice-Dolance
Megan Palmer
Pat Higgins
Ryan Stolte-Sawa
Scott Burns
Josh Heaphey
Angela Choong
Karmyn McCrary
Jane Van Voorhis
Erin Gilliland
Mac Mayer
& "Everybody" for Comin' out !!
I'll let cha know ASAP when "the next show" will be!
I've gotta get some Sleep....
1979 - 2001
She is now ,Forever ........ " That Somebody "
Photo : Virgin Records
"Very" Sad News
Rashann Charles Bowers , has Passed Away.
He Rocked Drums 4 me , since '98
I'm Actually "SPEECHLESS"
"Rizzy" held on for 36 days , before he'd lost his Battle from Gunshot wounds on Mothers Day !
To say He'll be Missed , is Not only Corny .....
but , the "UNDERSTATEMENT" of the Year.
I can't Remember , when I've played with a Musician who "Listened" harder !
His 1st Nite with my Band , He literally played for 3 hours .....
We Send LOVE to his Family......
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