Jamie Foxx vs. NBC ?!?
I can appreciate that "Mass" email goin' round...
Unless , yáll are up on "GAME"
At least understand....
that if YOUR television ain't in the "Nielsen" system ?
It's NOT gonna matter WHO tunes in !
Here...maybe THIS will help those who ain't up on it :
( So, I don't sound like I'm talkin' shit again....or KNOW-IT-ALL )
It's like the "Mom & Pop" record stores vs. "Soundscan"
It's IMPOSSIBLE to track a system that YOU are not IN !
Better yet.....
Remember Spike Lee vs. The Movie theaters ?
The MALCOLM X box office ticket-stub switch scam ?
You should watch.... because Jamie Foxx is the TRUTH !
( when it comes to having "Actual Talent " )
Which is the very Premise/Reason behind an "American Idol" show to begin with ?!?
Don't forget : Hip-Hop , R&B is GLOBAL...Now.
It would've been more NON-BLACKS tuning in Anyway...
Aiiiiiiiiiiight ?!?!?
No Punches Pulled....ever.
December 1, 1940 - December 10 , 2005
I know what's Funny ....and, what's NOT funny because of this man's Pain....
I "GET IT" now.
I totally understand how people must have felt when "Miles" & "Henrdix" passed on.
When Jimi Died....
Guitarists seemed to have turned their Amps up "louder"
When Miles Died....
Trumpeteers pulled out THEIR Mutes....etc etc
Ain't NOTHIN' funny.... No More....
( And, it hasn't been for a LONG TIME now )
Yes, I learned what "Internal" tears are....
( I'm actually "crying internally" as I type this. )
I always thought I KNEW what was funny, because of Mr. Pryor.
And, now ?
Well.....Ain't NOTHIN' Funny no more....
If I should only have an 1/8th of the "STRENGTH & COURAGE"
Mr. Pryor had
( Well....ANY OF US ?!?! )
We'd ALL be able to laugh at ourselves & not take our lives so serious.
We HONOR you , Mr. Pryor
And, thank U for teaching ME how to relax about this"Craziness"out here
I'm sure...some other "Planet" needs you now.
"Willie Hutch"
photo : Motown archives
Decmeber 6th , 1944 - September 19th, 2005
There's not ONE true Playa alive, who doesn't feel the tragic loss of Mr. Hutch, today.
The "Mack" soundtrack was possibly the pre-cursor to Rick James' "Street Songs"
"I Choose U" was and IS street poetry..... at it's Finest.
( absolutely Timeless )
Mr. Hutch's incredible body of work for Motown was indeed... Immeasurable !
The Jackson 5 as we knew them, would've sounded ALOT different
without Mr. Hutch's brilliant production & songwriting.
The Jackson 5's "I'll Be There" was just ONE example of THIS Pop Genius at work.
( he also pinned "How Funky is your Chicken" & "Mama's Pearl" )
In other Tragic News, today.....
photo : Nicky Brancatelli
We nearly lost "Him" today, as well.....
"D" was critically injured when he was thrown from his SUV today.
We send our heartfelt Prayers out to him & his Family.
photo : AP
Damn, we almost lost BOTH of them today.
"Kanye West"
Photo: NBC
The "Media Darling" has Spoken....???
( on the governments response to the predominately African-American victims )
Photo : Time/Life
I'm not so sure....
if those responsible for the Time/Life cover bestowed him recently,
will feel the same about"The Class Act"they just proclaimed him to be ?
"Hip-Hop" legend ?
Legendary "Stance" ?
What was that Shit , Really About ?
I dunno....We'll See....How HE pans out later...
The Survivors...of the Disaster.
GOD Bless their Lives , ALL OF THEM...
There are absolutely NO WORDS to describe what's happened.
But, New Orleans ( as we knew it ? ) is No More.
( And....based on the current heated discussions regarding the rescue & time-line efforts ? )
The "Racial" Divide in this country....continues to widen.
"Reginald Hudlin"
Named president of BET
BET has hired veteran filmmaker Reginald Hudlin as its chief programmer, a move that industry observers hailed as a positive sign for a channel that has long faced criticism over the quality of its programming.As president of entertainment at BET, Hudlin will oversee all of the network's programming divisions, including development and acquisition of series, music, sports and news. He will split his time between BET's production hubs in New York and Los Angeles, and its headquarters in Washington."For me, the opportunity to work on such a giant canvas, in the form a 24/7 network, is just incredible," said Hudlin, whose film credits include "The Great White Hype" and "Serving Sara." "It's a great entrepreneurial opportunity."Upon being named successor to the network's founder and CEO, Robert Johnson, last month, BET president and chief operating officer Debra Lee identified naming a programming chief as one of her priorities ."As I look at the next five years, there's really a major objective to improve current programming," Lee said. "BET is a great brand with a great lineup, but I want to take it to the next level."Hudlin has kept busy in television recently as executive producer of the upcoming series adaptation of the comic strip "The Boondocks" for Cartoon Network's Adult Swim block and as a director of episodes of "Everybody Hates Chris," UPN's buzzed-about sitcom being executive produced by Chris Rock scheduled to premiere in the fall. He also has directed Fox's "The Bernie Mac Show" and created a short-lived late-night series for HBO in 1994, "Cosmic Slop."One of a generation of black directors including Spike Lee and John Singleton who rose to prominence in the early 1990s, Hudlin first gained notice alongside his brother Warrington Hudlin as creators of "House Party," a 1990 comedy about black teenagers that became a crossover hit and spawned a pair of sequels. He went on to helm other theatricals including "Boomerang" that were praised for deflating black stereotypes.
Reggie was also the 2nd "Inner-view" I'd ever done....
CLICK HERE to peep it
Plus, he interviewed ME as well !
We "Talked Shit" as per usual....nothin' heavy, really
"Ray Davis"
March 29th , 1940 - July 5th, 2005
The "Subterranean-Low-Bass Vocals" from P-Funk
has been silenced to cancer.
I met him afew times while workin with George ....
Ray was one of THE nicest people I've ever met !
He had such an AMAZING "positive" energy that stayed with him.
Yes, it's seems to be quite True.....
more often than not , they do seem to pass away in 3's ?!?
He WILL be Missed
"Luther Vandross"
April 20th , 1951 - July 1st, 2005
Bless his Life & his Work.....
Also :
The Four Tops'
"Renaldo Benson"
June 14th, 1937 - July 1st , 2005
Don't Sleep....
"Obie" helped to write possibly THE greatest concept album ever recorded !
He was one of the 3 writers of Marvin Gaye's
"What's Goin On"
Their own "Still Water... Love"
( Benson 2nd from left )
So, THIS is also a great loss as well....
Photo : Aaron Lambert
Michael Jackson Acquitted on All Counts.
I really hope he's learned something , after this....
"Anne Bancroft"
September 17, 1931 - June 7 , 2005
She prolly "Single-handedly" inspired the term :
with her amazing performance in
"The Graduate"
Wow.....I never really thought about it .....
But, I'm sure her performance in that film, prolly has something to do with my fascination with "Older" Women.
She was not only an incredible "Dramatic" actress ....but, she was a great "Comedic" actress as well !
"To Be ....or NOT to Be"
with husband & legendary comic writer "Mel Brooks" substantiates this claim.
R.I.P to a wonderful, wonderful actress......
Much LOVE to All of the
Aztec , Mexican & Latin
People of the World
THIS Day will NEVER happen again.....
It's 5:05 pm
Photo : Reuters
It sorta Digs at the "Black Pride" in me, to see ....what this business can HELP one to become.
*since they were "un-officially" cast as Role Models*
YES , I feel like I can speak on them, more than most....
My friend "Bobby Taylor"
( of "Bobby Taylor & the Vancouvers" )
and... COLUMBUS ,OHIO *where Mr. Taylor & I are from* are at the center of their success !
And, it was HE... who "Discovered" them & produced their 1st LP !!
I use to do sessions for Bobby myself , as a teen.
And , having grown up with them , like most of us....
"The Jackson 5 "
Photos : Motown Archives
were MY "Beatles" & "New Edition"
Photo : Kimerly White
Photo : Hector Mata
But, the REAL "Ironic" twist to this Whole Shit ...
The man who is allegedly the source of Michael's "Mis-Guided" make-overs & over....
who many believe is also at the root of what appears to be MJ's "Self-Hatred & Peculiarities"
has..... in The End , come to the aid of his son !!
So, maybe it had to come to THIS , for them....
( He & his Dad )
to FINALLY make that connection , without ANYBODY else intervening ?!?
Photo : Reuters
Sly Stone called it years ago , when he said :
And, btw...."LaToya" looks so much more like her younger self :
A "Beautiful" Black Woman
Photo : Lucus Jackson
And, Janet may have "Nailed the Coffin" on her amazing run with America's hearts
with that "Titty-Gate" scandal over @ CBS !
Photo : CBS News
I LOVE Janet !!
But, maybe Enuff is Enuff ?
I know she's no "Sarah Vaughn"
Who is... for that matter ?!?!
( on the radio today )
She put it DOWN....it's not like she HAS to go THAT route ?!?!
Photo : FHM
Even "LENA HORNE" didn't wanna be bothered with her....after that.
(when asked if she'd like Janet to portray her on film)
Photo : Reuters