Part. II
REGGIE HUDLIN : John Houston's a bad boy, too !
I love the old school cats who have worked from one genre to another, you know, they were like :
Let's do a Western.....Let's do a Comedy..... then, Let's do a Drama......Let's do Noir ......
FOLEY : And, they did it nice ....they did it nice.
REGGIE : It's funny, I don't even like "Casino Royale" as a movie, but I also have a soft spot for Casino Royale,
because it has for me my most favorite three scores of all time...Burt Bacharach at his peak, doing his thing.
Oh Yea !
REGGIE HUDLIN : Stanley Cubrick.... it's funny, my favorite is the one he dis-owns...."Spartacus"!
Because to me people say : "What's the best movie on the subject of slavery"?
I would say Spartacus, and until Black folk do a movie about American slavery that's on that Spartacus level, on that Spartacus tone......
we ain't did it right.
FOLEY : Not at all ....
Jonathan Demme. not only is he one hell of a filmmaker, to me "Something Wild" just ripped my head !!
I'm just waiting for the opportunity to do something that sick .
Jonathan was a deep inspiration for me, 'cause He's a great human being, and in Hollywood you can easily go for the whole rap that you have to be an asshole to succeed.
Jonathan Demme :
Makes extremely Profitable Movies ......
Extremely Classy Movies .......
Artistically Powerful Movies .......
And, he's a really good Human being !!
FOLEY : Soooo Cool, Man
REGGIE : He's just living proof that you can be a good guy and win on every level. Financial, artistically and maintain your humanity !
Saying all of that, I can only think of one person right now..."Opie Cunningham"
REGGIE : Haaaaaa!
REGGIE HUDLIN : Well you know, the amazing thing about him is that he survived :
"Childhood Stardom"
The "Understatement of the Decade"......What a career, huh?
REGGIE : Yeah, I mean it's funny...
'cause they shot the opening for the "Andy Griffith Show" about four blocks from my house, in a little nature perserve .
I remember when I walked there for the first time, and, I sat down I just started "whistling"
( the theme to the show )
FOLEY : Ah, huh ...
REGGIE : I thought, oh damn, why am I singing this?
'cause it was the ( actual ) shot when they were going fishing .
that's cool....
REGGIE : Man .... Ron Howard never lost his mind, he lives in Connecticut.....
He's just doing his thing, man.
REGGIE : Ron makes good movies & again; he's a cat who works in a lot of different styles !
He makes dramas.....He makes comedies..... and he's doing it "Old school" style.
Plus, his first major joint ( "Night Shift" ) was with Michael Keaton... ( his first , as well )
REGGIE : Right . So, to do that .....
to do a movie like "Ransom"
to do a movie like "Apollo 13"
Ron's got many styles.
And, He Rocked "The Grinch" !
REGGIE : Yea ....
Folks was hatin' on it....
But, it still brought in the Numbers !!
REGGIE : Right.... so, I respect anybody who can keep switching it up & makes that choice to do so.
REGGIE HUDLIN : Haaaaaaa! "Hairspray" is a very underrated movie on so many levels .'Cause as a "Race Relations" parable... it's hellafied ! In terms of production value ....I think it's quietly an incredibly influential movie, in terms of people going : "Wow you can take that production design and flip it to a really hard, hard level " So, I have a tremendous respect for John Waters.
Unfortunately, tho ....
John Waters is in-directly responsible for the "Rikki Lake" show !
REGGIE HUDLIN : John Hughes is just tight. One of the nicest comments I got back is when we did "House Party" and people said :
"Uh, are you a Black John Hughes" ?
and I said : "Why did you say that like a Pejorative" ?
I mean, John Hughes makes some fun movies, what's wrong with being that ?
John Hughes got a message back to me, that he really appreciated me NOT Doggin' him,
cause that's what the Media always like to do when you're the new guy.
They're like: "Hey here's a brick...why don't you throw it at So & So"
Why I got to hate somebody, to blow up ?
That's pretty much, where everybody's at .....
"The Breakfast Club" Still holds up to this day , man...
One of THE Best casting jobs ever... Teen or No...
REGGIE HUDLIN : Gigantic influence, man! And at the end of the day... you can't escape the fact that he made some "fun" movies!
I remember sitting there with my dad watching "Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom"
Uh huh....
REGGIE : Which for all its kinda Sexist problems & Racist problems, they were having so much damn fun in that movie !
And at one point, Indiana Jones & the kid are in the little mine cart, where it jumps off the rack and off the rails and lands on the other rails ?
s My DAD turned to me and said :
"You gonna make movies like that"?
I was like : Yes, Sir ....
REGGIE : It wasn't a question .... it was :
"If you're going to mess with movies , you have to work on that level"
and, off to Harvard you go.
REGGIE : Right ! So, I was like:
"Okay, Dad... I have not got to that level yet, but I am remembering the order he gave me."
Aiiiiight ????
/ McHenry"
REGGIE HUDLIN : Well, you know....these cats, I have a really fond memory of my man,
George, he was like two or three years ahead of me at Harvard...
REGGIE : Here's a story that to me speaks so much to who he was as a person.
There was a local burger joint like right outside Harvards campus ....
( it was like the only place opened late so you could go there get something to eat at like 2 in the morning )
and there was this flamin' gay guy who was there & some of the local townies started picking on him .
( you know, calling him names, throwing stuff at him )
So, my man said : "Nah man, don't mess with him" !
And, they were like... "Aaaaww, the Nigger wanna jump in" ?
( trying to get a whole racial thing with everybody joining in... )
FOLEY : the "Nigger..... taking up for the "Faggot" ?
REGGIE : Right. And first of all, he ain't gotta do that....
"But he did", so when they went there... he said : "Cool"
George left....went to his car.....came back with a need to use the bat....
cause, that was the end of the conversation !
REGGIE : to me....
that's the kind of "Ordinary Heroism" that beyond his achievements as a producer and all that kind of stuff,
that speaks to you as a "Human Being" !
That's a very profound act & I LOVE to tell that story,
because most people don't know ...
'Cause that's the kind of thing everybody should know..
because that's the thing everybody should do.
Not only was he a filmmaker, but he was also "Good People" ...
REGGIE : He was a "Good" Human Being.
that's hardcore, man....
REGGIE : He would step up, in a situation that was easy to take the punk way out.
"Aint my issue"...... "Fuck a Homo"...... Nah, Man !
"Matty Rich"
REGGIE HUDLIN : You know...I feel sorry for Matty, because in a way... ironically ....
he was ahead of his time, in the midst of the progressive '80's, '90's .
He was the first cat to be proud of the fact, that he didn't have formal training.
Right ...
REGGIE : He came with that, too soon.
" I didn't go to film school.....I'm keeping it real"
FOLEY : He, kept it real ...."Prematurely"
REGGIE : Nobody was checking for that then.....
little did he know 5 or 10yrs. later, being "Ignorant" would be the best thing to be.....
he played that hand.... just a little too soon.
Good lawd, good lawd...
*we share the same birthday , actually*
.....the Director
REGGIE : I love "Cube".... man.
I just love the fact that he's serious about everything he does, that quiet as kept, here he is ;
making an incredible body of work in the music realm , writing scripts, I've been by his house ,
I've seen a chapter of the novel he's working on, writing, directing, producing....
you know he's a cat who's working all the possible different means of expressions with something to say,
and I LOVE that !
" I can Understand it " ------Bobby Womack
Well.... John & I usually see each other every Wednesday, at the comic book store.
REGGIE : So, we have a real tight rapport . but, there was a moment ...
I guess about a year ago I had "Ladies Man" & he had "Baby Boy" coming out,
and we hadn't seen each other for a long time .
So, we see each other at the comic book store & we just didn't say Nothin'
.....we just looked at each other & started hugging, and we said : "Man , 10 yrs ...10 yrs"
And, it was a very real moment, because it was like how so many people are trying to take us out the game !!
All the "Assassination Attempts" that we've both been through and to still be here with movies coming out,
that year.
FOLEY : Y'all won .
REGGIE : It was a Helluva moment, man !
Nothing else mattered....
it was like, we have survived, we're still in the game and so many cats that were next to us,
are not in the game.
that's real, doe ....
REGGIE : It was like landing on the beaches in "Saving Private Ryan".
Yea, the first 25 mins. was "Hard" on Folks....
"Spike Lee"
REGGIE HUDLIN : "Spike".... I owe a lot to man, at the beginning of my career ....
"She's gotta have it" , hahahaha .... ( Dogg #4 ? )
REGGIE : Haaaaaaaa ....well that was fun. But, the brilliant thing he did, was a party at Nelson George's house and "She's gotta have it" was blowing up & Spike came to me and said: "Man, they offered me this movie and I don't wanna do it, I gave them your name and here's the script, it's for "the Otis Redding story" and I was like :
"Thanks, Spike.. Thanks"
So, I called and they said "Naw we don't wanna do the Otis Redding story, we wanna do Janet Jackson & the Time"
I was like : "Oh , Hell yeah" ! That was my first job, & from that I got the money to buy my first computer and with that computer ,
I was able to write the script for "House Party"
Anytime I ever needed something :
I needed his advice....
I needed his help.... I
needed his "Introductions"....
"Spike" would do it for me, and I appreciated that !
Cool ....
"Oscar Micheaux"
REGGIE HUDLIN : Oscar Micheaux....
It's funny man, it's hard to give people their proper Respect without sounding.....
Disrespectful !
FOLEY : uh oh ...
REGGIE : The fact is, Oscar Micheaux as a business man......
He was "Unbelieveable"
I mean he went around to farms ....
going to White folks , and convinced these people who were waking up at 4 in the morning digging dirt, to give him...
a Black man to make a movie ?
I ain't Madd @ him.
REGGIE : And he became successful doing that. The films...I don't care for !
FOLEY : Fair enuff........ I Loved his film "SWING" ( 1938 )
REGGIE : People want to say :"Well that was back then" ...
well, you know what ? Charlie Chaplin was back then too !
So, you can make a good movie at any point in the game,
no matter what your resources .
but , he was a fine, fine, fine, amazing businessman.
FOLEY : Oh, without Question.
"Charlie Chaplin"
REGGIE HUDLIN : See... that's what I'm talking about. Chaplin was a bad boy !
I mean, as a filmmaker, he was just so ridiculous !! "You saw the Gold Rush" ?
You see two people in a room with that much comedy, with that much heart ....
FOLEY : Not to mention.... he may have "Scored" the film, as well ?!?!?!?!?
REGGIE : Right, the fact that he could do everything, and there was this great documentary on PBS where you could see twelve takes and him re-writing the scene with each take, recasting actors in different roles, figuring out the gags, and you!
He's a genius and there are a couple of cats we have like that today..."Jackie Chan" being the main one!
Lee Evans (out of Britian) he's on that level....there are a couple of cats on that ridiculous, ridiculous level .
"We literally don't make them like that... anymore"
FOLEY : Miles used to say the same thing, about "Prince".
REGGIE : Right ... We don't even do the process like that anymore!
And, that's unfortunate because, you know how Hollywood works today...
"Charlie" would've never survive.
FOLEY : Plus, there prolly wouldn't be a LaBrea Ave. if it wasn't for Charlie Chaplin.
REGGIE : You got that right, and it's funny because, my first reading for that Janet Jackson/Time movie...
Photo: Photography of
"Old" America
was at A&M... ?
REGGIE : "It was at A&M"
I'm sitting there in the Charlie Chaplin screening room, tripping on the history of it all ;
waiting for my "Big break".
"Our" mentor....?
FOLEY : Pick up the $20..... if you will ?
REGGIE : Pick up the $20 !!
You know U gotta tell folks that story, Reggie ....
REGGIE : I will tell that story man, because it changed my life and I've been able to share it with others....
and it changed theirs. When I showed him "The Last Days of Russell"
( the pilot that you scored with us )
FOLEY : Cool... I didn't know he saw it !
REGGIE : And.... he watched the whole thing ! The great thing about
Brandon was.....he had a "Zen Master" vibe !!!
He never got too excited..... he never got too upset.....he was very calm.
He watched it, & said :
"Well, that scene with the family, that's the show...and all that other stuff, get rid of that, just make the show about the family".
So , he saw that I had the "Scrunched-up" face like": "You're not getting my art !" & he said :
"Reggie", here's your problem....
"You're so busy trying to get the $100 on the other side of the room, you won't bend over & pick up the $20 at your feet . Stop making it so "complicated", just pick up the $20 ! And if you keep picking up the $20, you'll work your way across the room and instead of having 100 you'll have 200 bucks".
REGGIE : And man, for a cat like was just shockwaves running through me !
And I tell that to all my "Complicated" friends, like YOU... like Chris Rock....
and everytime people like US hear that, it freaks us out 'Cause...that's US.
We will never do the obvious thing.
FOLEY : Obviously, NEVER .
REGGIE : And even to this day, my "Best Ideas".... I would not come up with, for myself .
It's me saying what someone else should do..."You know the movie so & so should make...
they need to do da, da, da, da"
then I'll go : *Damn*
FOLEY : Why didn't I do that ?
REGGIE : Right. at least now, I'll catch an idea & put it back in the bag,
instead of throwing it away.
I'm so busy trying to top ( not just my own level ) but , someone else's level !!
REGGIE : And, I just need to keep taking them steps.
REGGIE : It's Hard to pick up the $20.
It's hard to pick up the $20 man, it's hard for MOST....
REGGIE : It's Hard.
Maybe ......
"Duality in thinking" is the Key ?
REGGIE : Right.....well, that's what was interesting,
listening to your two versions of the Beatles trk. "In My Life"
FOLEY : Yeah, one was for "Non- Musical" folks ....and one was for me !
REGGIE : Right ....
FOLEY : But the "Ill version" is the one Non- Musical folks like the most.
I was thinking they wouldn't because it's so abstract....
but , it's the one that's wearin' folks out ?!?!?!
REGGIE : Yeah ...But, you know what ? No, I disagree with you.
FOLEY : Here WE go ....Lol
REGGIE : "Regular" folks, Are Gonna Go For The One.... For them !
'cause they're "Regular" folks ?
REGGIE : They're "Regular" Folks!
( And, there's nothing wrong with being regular folks. )
"No, Not At All" That wasn't a "DIG" at them
There's nothing wrong with working all day.... going home turning on the T.V.
and getting some quality entertainment.
FOLEY : That's Almost, what we're here for ?
REGGIE : There's nothing wrong with that, man...people work for a living.
Yea, I know... like the Theater "Projectionist" ? * sarcastically, spoken*
One of these days, I'll have to put that song out ...
REGGIE : "You gotta put that out man"
( you be messing around ....)
Er'thang in DUE Time, Reggie .... in Due time.
It's going on this "Guitars for Freedom" II ( featuring: Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Santana etc. )
So, we'll see what happens with that .....
*Note: the CD was released on Sept. 11th , 2002
REGGIE : "Don't Sleep"....put the $20 version on it !
I need to pick up the gottdamn $20.....
REGGIE : See.....U trying to be "Clever" !
Being "Eldridge Clever" ain't gonna get it, huh ???
REGGIE : Well, you know what? 'Cause it's clever in the first place!
Why...."Thank you" , Reggie !
REGGIE : You're not really giving yourself, the "Proper" Props.
"Props" & "Tricks" ....are for Kids !
Why don't I just do both ? like : "Here's mine..... & Here's yours".
REGGIE : Why don't you do the "Sick" version, 3 years from now on tour ???
That's why I came up with the "Sick" version..... 'Cause I was Bored already.
*Actually , they're BOTH Twisted*
REGGIE : "Cause U were Tired of it already"...THAT'S THE PROBLEM !
U went to THAT place.
I know , man I know .......
It's like me & Aaron ( MacGruder) we sat around
he was talkin' bout him & his boys goin'out to the club
( 'cause U know ...he's in his 20's still in the club Phase...) So, I started tellin' em' my club stories...
And I said :
"U know what... I Always wanted to make a club movie, I just never got around to it ".
( 'cause I was bored with it by then ! )
So , it took us like a month to do and....
WE HAD A "CLUB MOVIE" SCRIPT !! ( And, it's Funny as hell ! )
Aiiiiiiiiight .
REGGIE : 'Cause it was effortless for me.
I'm sure ...
REGGIE : See, in talkin' to Aaron....
I realized there was $20, that "I" had left on the Floor!
So ..........
"Who picked it Up ?"
REGGIE : Well, of course it's written ....And it's perfect , right ?
Then I said :
"Nah , U know what we Should Do" ???
Here U Go ...
REGGIE : Let's sit that over here...& Do somethin' HARD!
so, that's what we're writing Now ...THE "HARD" ONE !!!!
This One we're writing... is "Complicated"!
FOLEY : Did U call "Nina Hartley" ?
REGGIE : Oh , No .... Ha ha ha ha ha
Memo : call "Nina Hartley"....
Porn legend Nina Hartley
FOLEY : Call "Nina Hartley" !!
I would love to see her..."Mainstream" !
REGGIE : "Mannnnnnnnnnnn"
As a "Cameo" ?
REGGIE : Here's My Rule... I work on 6 thangs ...
But, only One-at-A-Time !!
So, you'll at least have 5 'mo thangz to do ?
REGGIE : But really, the Trick is :
Just focus on "One thing"...and get it to some version of "DONE"
Keep workin' on it, 'til THEY stop YOU !!
So , that's my NEW rule ! ( and it's a "VERY HARD TO KEEP" rule )
'Cause part of the thing in picking up the $20.... is Focus.
Aaaahhhh ....
REGGIE : And, (sometimes) focus is Hard.....Hard for me.
Focus...... is hard man.
REGGIE : Hard.
Focus is even harder, when you're all over the place ...
REGGIE : Focus is hard when you've got "X-Ray" vision !!
"Whoo"... 'cause everything's gonna be either / or in "X-Ray" mode !
REGGIE : Right.
'Cause I'm looking at your clothes....your skin....your spleen.....
Aaaaaww, Damn !!
REGGIE : Your bones..... and what's going on in the room, behind you .
And, the "other" muthafucka's behind him ...
REGGIE : Haaaaaaa, Right!
"X-Ray Vision" can fuck you up !
REGGIE : X-ray & "Infra-Red" He he he ...
Das "Wild", man...
I gotta ask you the
Burning Question :
or a Mess ?
REGGIE HUDLIN : "Haaaaaaa"
Well....from a "Hollywood Deal" perspective, without the "Star" ( forget actor)
the "Star"
FOLEY : There's a distinct difference, in what you're saying...
REGGIE : Well, there are star's who are actors.... and there are star's who are not actors !
Regardless of whether the star is an actor or not... without the star, the movie is not happening !!
REGGIE : So, then it is up to whether that star is an actor. But you know what ? Even if he's not an actor....
It's good to have a star. Because a star has that thing....that thing that cannot be measured.
FOLEY : Why am I seeing Elvis' face on film, right now?
REGGIE : Hey, that's exactly what I'm talking about!
Star power is that thing, it's like Amadeus man, you can have all the crazy chops in the world...
But, do you transform the room when you walk in ?
Do you charge the molecules in the air ?
That's what a star does.
I remember I was at a party in New York and I felt the air pressure in the room change !!
Ha ha ha ...
REGGIE : and I turned around .... it turns out that "Denzel" had walked in .
Yeah , "Denzel's a cool brotha" ! He & Wesley Snipes hung out with Miles & the band, during the "Mo'Better Blues" filming. ( Miles was showing Denzel, how to make it look Real ! ) He has that "Thing"... the very thing; that has fascinated people about "ELVIS" all these Years ...
REGGIE : And, That's what a star is !!
When you can feel somebody on your back! And he wasn't staring at me...
"He just walked in the room"
That's energy... man !
REGGIE : Yeah .... he changed the energy in that room !
Denzel's a great example of an actor , who's a star...that crazy, crazy thing.
A star is somebody you want to be know,
"Why am I sitting over here, when I meant to go over to the refridgerator."
Aiiiight, you ready to play the "Either / Or" Game ??
REGGIE HUDLIN : Let's do it !
Hollywood or East St.Louis ?
REGGIE : That's funny, (cause you gave me a preview of that one) my first "Knee-Jerk" reaction's gonna be : "East St. Louis"
But, let's be real ....if I had to live in one of those two places right now ...?
I would gladly take Hollywood.
Heh heh ....
REGGIE : 'Cause, as you can see ....... from my surroundings ....
Yes, I can see from your surroundings !!!
REGGIE : Hollywood....has been very good to me !
"Yes, It Has" ..... I can see from your surroundings, Dogg !
REGGIE : I ain't gonna act like : " I wish I was back there "
REGGIE : I could be back there .....But, I don't wanna be back there!
"Good Lawd"..... You've got too much stuff to do here!
REGGIE : Come On .....
Harvard or "Hard Knocks" ?
REGGIE HUDLIN : Well, the hard knocks allowed me to get to Harvard ....
Understandable , & point taken !!
Fire or Water ?
Cool .
Parliament or Funkadelic ?
REGGIE : Ooowww! that's a hard one.
You're gonna have to think about that one, "Bruh"
REGGIE : Well, it's interesting! Basically, it's a thing where ...
the "older" you get, the more it's ....Funkadelic.
Thought provoking?
REGGIE : Well, it's Blues, at the end of the go back to the Blues.
"Loud" Blues, Jimi Hendrix set the tone for that whole genre ....
REGGIE : Yeah, right! "Acid" washed.... Blues!
U "Wild"
Tape or Film ?
REGGIE HUDLIN : "Film" ( for now )
I'm ready for film to be over, for the same reason ... "I cry no tears for a typewriter"
Ha ha .
REGGIE : I'm ready to think the movie & have it "Projected out of my Head"
Oh, shit ... you been hanging with "Orson" ?
REGGIE : Hahahahaha .... I'm just sayin':
"I'm in love with the product... Not the tool"
Aiiiiight .
Shooting or Editing ?
REGGIE HUDLIN : Wow ! Aaaaaaaah ......
Well...I love the "Camaraderie" of shooting......
but , I love the freedom of editing!
Freedom in the sense , that the meter is not running !
( the way it is when you're shooting.)
When you're shooting, it's $175,000 ( or More) a day!
Of somebody else's money?
REGGIE : Yes !
He he he he...
REGGIE : Which I try to spend, as if it was my own ....
REGGIE : 'Cause that's how Mama & Daddy raised me !
Yes, indeed.
REGGIE : But in editing, the bad news is: "You got, what you shot "
as "George Clinton" says,
"Ain't nothing good.... unless you play with it"!
Sundance or Cannes ?
REGGIE HUDLIN : Sundance gave me my big break !
( it's where we debuted "House Party" )
So have a soft spot, for "Sundance" ?
REGGIE : It changed my life.
I've not been to Cannes ...
And...I'm NOT going, until I go with a movie!
"Whatever" movie takes me there, that's how I'll arrive !
Wow! In the words of "Aunt Esther"...."You'll sit down, when you get to the Seat".
REGGIE : Exactly....there you go!
Stax or ?
Aaaaawwww , Man .....
That's okay, but you know what?
I'm gonna come really hard with it... and say Motown !
"Cause at the end of the day ...the "Raw Funk" that Motown produced is underrated!
You know, it's trendy now to right off Motown as music for "The Big chill"....
Yeah , Right ?
REGGIE : But, you have to really respect Not just the craftsmanship....
but, that there's some "Jams" that you can dance to.
Don't Fo'get about Norman Whitfield !!
REGGIE : Exactly! but , let's not even get into the mid to late Motown...
I'm talking about the early joints!
Shotgun ?
REGGIE : "Shop Around" is a funky jam!
I'm talking about some obscure Smokey "Come Fly With Me"
Alright, I'm getting ready to hit you in the head....
John or Paul ?
REGGIE : Okay, I'm gonna take the ugly choice again, and say :
"Silly Love Songs"
I take it you agree with "PAUL" on that ?
REGGIE : You know what? There's nothing wrong , with "Silly Love Songs" !
I don't see nuttin' wrong wit it .... ( if it's written well )
REGGIE : But, beyond silly love songs..."Arrow Through Me" is a funky record !
Yeah, it's some stuff on there.
REGGIE : "Arrow Through Me" is a funky record & at the end of the day.....
you just compare the solo projects side by side!
But you know what...the point is: things have to come to an end.
But those two, together.... is the best thing !
YOU love "Yin & Yang".
Yeah , "Balance"
REGGIE : Yin & Yang is a beautiful, thing .....
Push & pull man! Nothing would exist.
REGGIE : Exactly!
I mean.... it's a Beautiful, Beautiful Thang.
The "Dark Artist" always get's the benefit of the doubt !
I love Scorsese..... I love Speilberg.....
But , people (of course) give Scorsese more props, cause he's Darker !?!?!?
FOLEY : Yeah, well you know how it is ....It's deep , I was just thinkin'about "George Harrison"
It makes sense with him dying of cancer, actually ......
'cause if he's the quiet 'Beatle', then that sometimes connotates Brooding.
REGGIE : Right.
And, brooding..... connotates something "EMOTIONAL" you need to fix. SOON !
REGGIE : Right.
and, if you hold on to thangz'll die of Somethin' shortly!
REGGIE : Well... it really comes down to the whole "Puritan" strain in us.
Oh, My My My ....
REGGIE : Americans are very suspicious of things that make them feel good...
make them feel happy !
REGGIE : And an "Artist" is suppose to be "Painful & Dark".
Painful to the Artist.... Painful to the audience....
So, things that feel good ..They have "Contempt" for ?!?!?
That's crazy, But it's REAL !!!
The Future ......
Reggie ??
REGGIE : Well, Ultimately ....."Mother Earth" will strike back and win !!
It's Like"George Clinton" Says : "As long as she's not "Pregnant" ...for the 3rd time" !!!
REGGIE : Hah ....
You know, it always looks like "Humans" are just gonna kick Mother Earth's ass !!
but you know...Mother Earth , got skills.
Mother Earth's really got skills......
Ask the "Dinosaurs" .... about her.
REGGIE : That's what I'm trying to say !!!
Ask "Atlantis" ....about her.
REGGIE : That's It ! So, our Future might be "Whatever"
I wouldn't mind seeing some of that, just to see some action.
REGGIE : See, that's the thing.... I would like to see it , too !
It may take a Millennia, I don't know.... but, she got the "Long" Game !!
I know, it's like: "
Show me something"
REGGIE : Yeah!
T.V. is really uninteresting..... "SHOW ME SOMETHING" !!!!
REGGIE : So, that would be my bet.... I'm betting on Mother Nature !
I Agree ...
REGGIE : You know, 'cause we "Poked a hole" in Her.....
REGGIE : All kinds of foul stuff, to make you think she's "On the Ropes"
That's deep...
REGGIE : But man, SHE'S got game.
12/12/12 is around the corner, man !!
REGGIE : That's True.
It's really around the corner, Reg ....
The Mayans , were NEVER wrong with their math !!
So, it's 2002...we've got 10 more years . ( to hear the Mayans, call it. )
This should be interesting.
"Reggie" .....thank you, man.
REGGIE : He he he he .....Those were Fun questions !!
IFOLEY : 'm just glad that I know you well enough, to sit here & to spit thangz ....
that'll make you spit thangz...
that you probably wouldn't Speak On, Elsewhere .
REGGIE : Well, nobody else would ask me : "Motown or Stax?"
Least of all , "A FILM DIRECTOR" ?!?!?!?
REGGIE : Hahaha ... They were great questions.
"Directed" at a film director ?
Welcome to the "SMARTALECMUSIC" Realm !!
REGGIE : But , the thing is... it's so funny man!
'cause I mean : Motown vs. Stax... or Paul vs. John....
those are some "Divisive" questions!
To somebody that knows about John, Paul, Motown & Stax....
Yea...that could hurt, a little !
( I had to ask em' ...Reg. )
REGGIE : And it's like yo, man... I ain't scared of taking the "Un-popular" side.
Aaaaay man, un-popular is good, like "Greed" is good, sometimes ....
( I guess ? )
REGGIE : Yeah , because that's the "Ultimate Fashion" anyways.
Ya Heard ?
Thank you, Bro. Hudlin.
REGGIE : Nah Uh .... " Thank YOU "
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