Ladies  &  Gents...

( And, "Preferred" Pro-Nouns )

A conversation with :

( Composer / Producer / Musician / "Rock & Roll" Hall of Famer )

Parliament - Funkadelic's


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FOLEY :   Bernie WOO....What it do, what it do ??


BERNIE :  Mr.Foley, whas up Brutha ??


FOLEY :  Man, Isss About YOU !!


BERNIE :  It’s YOU…No, it’s US !!


FOLEY :  Woooo....


Long Time man, this is kinda heavy for

So, I’m gonna TRY to act like I’m not HYPED right now..

U know what I’m sayin ?


BERNIE :  Bruh, you Hypin’ ME !!


FOLEY : Man... finally we made time,  for TIME to get BENT.....



So we CAN pay da RENT !




FOLEY :  HA !!

So, we can pay the muthafuckin rent & STAY Bent !!


Man, I've been waitin' to work witchu forever Bernie....

WHAT ?!??


BERNIE : Man...Likewise, my Brother !!



Ok, lets see...You've been on PIANO, since you were "3 yrs old"

And,  your first performance was at "4" years old, Damn..



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Yeah, I played "40" classical pieces out of John Thompson’s.....

starting from John Thompson's beginners book....past 12 years, 

from the John Tompson series, that’s what they were using back in the day....

BACK in the day.... Haha !


FOLEY :  Wow…

That’s amazing tho....that you...still had that kinda foresight ??

Man....just THAT YOUNG of an age ???


You were on some "Sugar Chile" Robinson energy !


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Well, all I can say is…

it was a gift from God... who is MY higher power


FOLEY:  Yes, I'm Sure....


BERNIE : And, HE Graced Me with it....

with his blessings and I’m supposed to take it and use it to the best of my ability…



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Have FUN....If it’s not fun ? 

Then.... it’s NOT WORTH it !!



Yeah, it’s not worth it at all, not at ALL….

That’s Amazing....


BERNIE :  I was blessed to have really GOOD Teachers not just "teachers"…

but, to help mold character also…starting with MY MOTHER !!


She’s actually my "FIRST" Teacher.



And, she taught me scales...cause she was a vocalist at church, you know...


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She sang at tea parties & fashion shows...

And, she taught me this scale, so....she could accompany herself a little bit....


FOLEY : Wow.....


BERNIE :  So, after she taught me that scale...

I would go to the piano and play it perfectly, every day.


And, I guess from that.....

she saw that it was something there ?!?


So, she proceeded to find someone professionally to teach me...


When SHE couldn’t....


My Mom went around to different people & everyone was scared....

cause, at that time... they hadn’t taught anybody, you know....

an approach to teach someone THAT young !


FOLEY :  I see....



So, she had a lotta "No’s & I’m sorries"


but…I guess, she was scared.

"I don’t know what to do. This lil child here"


And, so she finally found this lady "Miss Adelaide Raxwood"  

who wound up being my Godmother also !


FOLEY:  Hahaha...Love it !


BERNIE :  And...she took me on....

and, I think it was in a matter of like 6 months ?

I passed ALL her 12th grade students…



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FOLEY :  YES !!!


BERNIE :   And, the rest is history....This was in Long Branch, NJ.

That’s where I was born.


FOLEY :   Wow...

That’s Amazing.... Jersey stand up !!






So, is this where "The New England Conservatory" comes in  ?


BERNIE :    Uh, Before…even before The New England Conservatory… My Parents…


FOLEY :  But, You were a part of the symphony, right ?


BERNIE :  Yes, my parents moved to Plainfield, NJ, which is home of P-Funk in 1952...

I was 8 years old.  And, we found teachers that were recommended to my Mom.....


And, my Mom used to trade off doing housework for this old "Quaker" lady....

her name was Faye Barnaby Kent....


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And, she was a pupil of Edward MacDowell...


First American Composer...That Old Quaker Lady....


FOLEY :  Wow, this is starting to make sense....


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BERNIE :  And, she befriended my Mom...

So, my mom used to do housework for her & the trade off it was free lessons.



And, I became her "Pet"

Haha.... the only little Black boy in there with all these white students.



She had a friend Professor John Knogy??

Who taught Harmony and Theory at New York College of Music.


He was a professor at The New York College of Music & he taught privately in Linden, NJ.


So, every Friday, my mom would have to drive into Linden, NJ...

for my Harmony & Theory lessons.


So, I had Harmony & Theory even before my freshman year in college.

FOLEY :  Insane, man....


BERNIE :  I also wrote, during this period of time.... I wrote my first piano concerto, at 8 years old.


FOLEY :  I am NOT Surprised , Woo.....


BERNIE :  And,  then at 10 years old....

I played 3 piano concertos with part of the Washington Symphony Orchestra....

And, the Planko Symphony.


This was all BEFORE college....


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FOLEY  :  Shit, That is INSANE, man....



And, then she set me up with private acoustic piano lessons at Julliard....

with a master teacher....


FOLEY :  Wow.....


BERNIE :    And, THEN came my freshman year at New England Conservatory of Music.... Boston....   Right around the corner from Berkley


And, uh…..well, the rest is history.


FOLEY :  Bernie....This is "Absolutely" INSANE


BERNIE :  Yeah, They skipped me into the second year.......


Plus, my freshman year....I went into second year of Theory & Harmony,....

because, I was advanced.



And, plus...the other gift God gave me ( perfect pitch ) 

I was....Well.....all the students....



How can I say this ??



Well, there was envy & there was jealousy & the teachers used to test me.


FOLEY :  I'm SURE ....

You know, and I'd get it right.

You know, just playin anything....

And, I’d tell em the pitch.


FOLEY :  Wow… That’s Hilarious !

But, you DO know.... YOU are the "Father of Modern Synthesis" tho ?

You gotta know dat, you'd HAVE TO KNOW !!!



Well... you KNOW me, Foley....

You know, I’m the humble type, Bruh

If YOU say dat ?  



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FOLEY :  Your reach....YOUR REACH about it.  It's MASSIVE !!


BERNIE :  I’m just here ta help, that’s all !

Just here ta help.....


FOLEY :  Well, on behalf of THE ENTIRE Keyboard World ??



BERNIE :  Well, man I appreciate it....


FOLEY :   Man…I don’t think "Hip-Hop" would be what it is...

without what you've brought to synthesizers, to the GAME of synthesis.


It’s just Amazing , Bernie....


And, I’m just so blown away that you’re right HERE, right NOW. 

Plus, WE in Da Lab ??   

WE're in THE LAB !!




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And, I’m proud to be HERE... 

I’m pleased as punch !!


FOLEY :  And, I’m punched as pleased !!


BERNIE :  Hahaha !!!



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Bernie, tell me about synthesizers TODAY, can it be taken any further ?


Or is that it ?  


Can it go any further....than where shit is now ?



I can go further ?

We just don’t know where it’s gonna go...

or...WHO’s gonna be the conduit.


Or, there might be more than ONE conduit.


FOLEY :  Yes, Indeed...

Soooo, Happy to Hear THIS....



We don’t know what God has planned, but...

I know that I would like to feel that it’s ongoing


FOLEY : Yes, of Course....


BERNIE :  There’s always change.

And, Evolution... so, it's always evolving

as we’re just a part of it.


FOLEY : Yeah, Man....Speak about it...


Alright, I’m gonna throw some "NAMES " at ya.....

U can respond however you want...


BERNIE : Haha, ok !



"Herbie Hancock"


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BERNIE : YES, One of "MY" peers !!

See, I listened to Herbie a lot....

I always knew, there’s something about Herbie’s playng that "I" related to....


And, when we finally got to meet....

come to find out, We're BOTH ARIES !!

( I’m Aries/Taurus & he’s Aries/ Pisces )


FOLEY :  Haha, Okay.... I'd say his tune "Ready or Not"

was DEF "Bernie Worrell" ( P-Funk) inspired...No Doubt...



Yeah,  then I had the honor of having Herbie play on one of MY solo albums !!


FOLEY :  Sooooo Dope....



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And, I had "Herbie Hancock & Keith Richards" on the same track....



FOLEY :  HA.....Right ?!?!?


BERNIE :  Now, I like different combinations & putting things together...ya know ??


FOLEY : Fa Sho....


BERNIE :  And, that was…

because of my thought process & the way I hear things ??

Everything is Related !!!!


FOLEY :  Speak on it, Woo....


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That’s how I hear.....

That’s how I am able to play so many different genres of music....

And, meld them together.


That’s another gift that God gave me.


FOLEY :  Yes......




So…that know.... just the fact that

it was Herbie and Keith Richards on the same track, Haha....

FOLEY : Haha...I know !!




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BERNIE :  Now, that’s a Kat I’d like to do something with !! 

Uh, cause I mean…. No words.


All I know is that, Stevie used to...


When I first joined Funkadelic...and moved to Detroit....


All of the Motown people :

Temptations, Gladys Knight, Stevie....




They used to come to the "20 Grand"

which was a club in Detroit, where all the artists hung out...


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And, P-Funk used to perform there.


And, Stevie would come & sit....

Right down front.   3 rows back !!


FOLEY :  Wow......


BERNIE :  Stevie had a little keyboard with him.   And, I saw him....

but, I didn’t approach him



But, they said :

“Yeah, Stevie was WATCHING you, everytime you play

he'd come & watch you and, he'd be playin”


FOLEY:  HA !!!



So, that was....I guess honor for ME...

because, I LOVE Stevie....this man is an inspiration to Me !!



That’s Amazing , Bernie…Stevie was watchin YOU !!




But he used to…and I didn’t believe it.

And, then....cause I usually have my head down listening...

like when I’m playing.... and, I looked up one time and sure enough, there he was...

Hahaha !!!

FOLEY :  That is Crazy....




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BERNIE : That "VIRGO" Girl !!

Hahaha....Oh, yeah...Toledo, Ohio lady.


FOLEY :  She would have to probably be a Virgo,


Oh,  "I" know about Virgo women !!


BERNIE : Yeah.....Haha !


She JUST sent me a record box set.

I think She’s in England now, she recently performed in Jersey a couple weeks ago.


FOLEY : I absolutely LOVE HER....

Her Lyrics, Her Unique VOICE....


BERNIE :  TM Stevens and I just went out to dinner with her....

cause we were both in her band back in the ‘90’s


FOLEY : I remember...I remember.

How about THIS.... speaking of backing up somebody’s band…




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BERNIE :  Introvert, Extravert ??

Ummm, funny man....Haha !


Dave is actually VERY funny...

and, well after he hired all those extra BLACK FACES ?

He’s Real Good Dude too. 


Matter of fact, the Talking Heads, used to sneak into P-Funk shows.


I found out later....


AFTER the fact.


FOLEY : Ummm... 

there was a whole lotta "Folks" sneaking into ya’lls shows…


BERNIE : HA, Right ??

Before they were musicians, when they were just art students at Providence, Rhode Island.


FOLEY :  Well, that IS your audience, tho....


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BERNIE : Hahaha !!

And, so they had the funk in ‘em...

I guess, when they found out that I was available,

there was a phone call and, they got some... Uhh “Free Lessons” so to speak.


NO SHIT.....


That’s interesting…

Burnin Down da Muthafuckin house....







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BERNIE :  Aw, I wish I could’ve met him in person.

But, I listen to him and, it’s been said that, when I’d go into my little jazz thing....

that I reminded people of Thelonious Monk.



I could definitely see that.....

because it’s a very "ZERO FUCKS" approach…



YES !!  







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BERNIE : Oh, yeah... I remember those cartoons. 

Yeah, Mr. turned me on to that Kat...

Aw man, and I JUST saw a picture of the guy....


The one who actually wrote most of those arrangements.


FOLEY :  Raymond Scott ?

BERNIE : YES.......

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FOLEY :  The MOST Amazing thing about Ray Scott...

HE was the FIRST & Only Kat that would Hire BLACK PEOPLE...

in his Orchestras at CBS...



He felt like they were some of the only people that could even play his stuff...


When ART BLAKEY saw Ray Scott's charts for his tune "POWERHOUSE"

he said THAT was when he gave up "Piano" & started playing Drums !!


BERNIE :  And well, that’s ME !!

I’m a cartoon freak !   All that music, the tonalities of it…

The rhythms of it to match the cartoon character…


I mean, God bless him *Hahaha* and thank you God, for um creating HIM....

so he could let ME hear that stuff, so I could incorporate it in what "I" do.





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Yeah, me Brudders !!!

No, I mean ME BRUDDERS.....

Yes, me Brudders.


FOLEY :  Me brudders, as well !!

So, how about.......





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BERNIE : Me Brudders, me Brudders !!

Yo, What’s up Ya’ll ???


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BERNIE :  Team. Team.







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BERNIE : Oh, I wanted to call him today, too...

Fred Wesley’s a sweetheart.


No, HE deserves more than, more recognition than he’s gotten....

in my opinion, Much More than he’s getting today.

Talented, gifted composer, arranger, besides player of the trombone

Fred....can also play keyboards.


And, I hope people support him. If you don’t know....

Fred wrote a book and please go get it and support the brother.


FOLEY : Woo, I swear man....

I wouldn't be able to HEAR Horn arrangements as I hear them....


ALL of MY LIFE....


= WWFD =

I start with THIS Premise FIRST.....



All of My Horn stuff...begins with BONE...because of MR. WESLEY !!


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FOLEY :  Well, I’m gonna make this simple....


We gonna play the : "Either / OR" Game


BERNIE : Haha, ok !



"Analog  OR  Digital"  

BERNIE :   Analog…..

FOLEY :  All Day, Right ??

BERNIE : can’t snub the new technology.

FOLEY: No, Not At ALL !!

even the "Virtual" Analog shit....Haha...

BERNIE : You can mix it IN, tho…

FOLEY :  You can mix it IN....

BERNIE : I prefer analog, but you can also do things mixing it...

As You well know !






"Clavinet  OR  Rhodes"





Of Course.....coming from YOU...The MASTER of Clav !!


But, as I've gotten older ?

For Me ?



BERNIE : Hahaha !!





"Rock OR Classical"



FOLEY :  HA !!!

BERNIE :  Combine ‘em


The Extended Version of "Nights in White Satin"

Might just be THE greatest example of This !!





"Touring OR Recording"


BERNIE : *Bernie pauses*



FOLEY : Tough one ?

BERNIE :  Touring....Haha !

FOLEY :  Got it...Haha


BERNIE :  But, both and you mix ‘em in, So, you don’t get bored.

That’s what "I" like to do.

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Same Here....

Prince Recorded MOST of his earlier work while on the road.....

JIMI as well....


BERNIE :  Oh Yeah....

So, I’d have to say both.

In portions...and then you manipulate your time with each one accordingly.

Just don’t get bored, so you do BOTH, so you don’t get bored.

I get bored quick.....


FOLEY :  You say just stay open...


BERNIE :  Yeah, Stay open....





"Strings OR Horns"


BERNIE :  Strings !






"Up OR Down"


BERNIE : UP !!!!


FOELY :  Hahaha !!!


BERNIE :  I don’t think ya hear me !!


= We Both Laugh hysterically =


BERNIE :  Aw, yeah. Got to be UP....

Yeah, I don’t like no "Down"

…I'd rather go to sleep...

FOLEY :  I understand Woo, I understand....

BERNIE : You will NOT keep me down...


I got to be "UP" to play !

FOLEY :  Speak on it !!


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And, Just AWOKE, be AWOKE.

So, my "Plates" won’t fall out my mouth.

*Bernie Clicks his Teeth 6x's*



HA !!!

Dem "Temporary" Tags ??


BERNIE : Ah, see…? 

That’s ANOTHER song !!


FOLEY :  Damn, That IS another song....


BERNIE :  See, I be hear'n Stuff....

I'll tell people, I'll say write that down !


FOLEY :  Write it down....



George & Bootsy…came up with that…

"Write That Down"


FOLEY : Wow...

BERNIE : Cause, you know...

we can’t remember EVERYTHING & we’d be in the studio and stuff…


FOLEY : "Wait, what’d you say the other day ?"


BERNIE : "Uh, man… I don’t know"

So, we started out sayin’ ????

“Write that Down”


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Gimme the "Future" of the game, Bernie....

What’s it lookin’ like out there?


BERNIE :  The "Game"

See, I never was a good game player…

I guess... that’s why I got…

*pauses again*



Cause, I’m not even.... kinda that way ???    

It takes me a little while to…


At first, I wouldn’t even…




My Mother wouldn’t let me....

“Hang with those Hoodlums”


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as she’d say, the "Street" folks…




FOLEY :  I  See.....



Somebody could be, I mean....


I’m much better at recognizing now,

somebody with ulterior motives

or....runnin "Game" on me ?


FOLEY : Uh huh....


BERNIE :  I don’t know "HOW" to run game.

Like, you know....back in the day.....


When U speak to a Lady, you’re “runnin game”

as they say.....



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What’d they used to call it ?

When you’re talkin’ your talk.


FOLEY :   "Spittin Game"


BERNIE :  I don’t know how to do that.

I just, do what naturally whatever comes.


I ain’t got no game in MY talk.....

Except, be just a NICE person .....

And, treat somebody well.


FOLEY :  YES  !!!


BERNIE : But I can’t …

*Bernie does an impression of smooth talk*


They’d say “Who is this fool ?

What the heck is he…?”

FOLEY :  HA !!

BERNIE :   So, the game…

There’s always gonna be "Game"


Sometimes, I don’t even recognize The Game, so… uh…

I don’t know Mr. Foley....

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FOLEY :  I feel U....



Cause, I’m not thinking of playing a game…

I like to "Play" Games.


FOLEY :   If it’s Milton Bradley's All "TRULY" in Fun ?



Yeah....Just Not "those" type of games....



I’d rather be…


FOLEY :  Playin’ some music ?


BERNIE :   YES , you know...I just…


*Bernie Pauses*


I don’t know sometimes, Lil Bro....



FOLEY :  I’m just blown away right now, that I’m able to talk with U candidly.....


All about life & music.... and all of this shit out here....

cause, it all kinda reverberates, thru it ALL.....Equally.


Your life IS your music....

if you’re living any kind of Life.



You know I’m just thinking...

maybe I’m afraid to admit that....

LIFE is a game... or... the "Music business" is a game.


But, I’m so....actually, really shy…

And, maybe I’m afraid of the game...or...

don’t really want to admit that this IS a game... because of my uh...

Naivete, so...  I won’t face it.


FOLEY :   Well, you’ll stay "Blissful" then.

Cause, it’ll never bother you, if you ain’t sittin around trippin on it.



Cause, I’m really sensitive & to know somebody’s GAMIN ??

And, now I gotta be ON GUARD for this…or that.....


But, that’s taking away from…THE MUSIC

I’ll touch the keyboard a little different.



FOLEY :  Wow, I can TOTALLY understand THIS....


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BERNIE :  I’ll be tentative.

FOLEY :  Yeah....I'm Sure



Because, I gotta wonder if someone is Gamin’ ??

And, if You ARE Gamin’  ??

I ain’t gonna play open with my heart...

FOLEY :  ONE of the MANY reasons I walked away from this shit..


BERNIE :  Cause, it’s tentative.

FOLEY : VERY......

BERNIE :  Scared of This & That…

And, I don’t wanna feel that way.



FOLEY : Mr. Worrell...

You're making Me Feel A LOT Better about My Decsion to BAIL !!



I just wanna play.

And, I like teamwork.....


I like playing with people. 

I’m a TEAM player.


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Cause, it ain’t all produced by ME.

It would read :  produced by ME and FOLEY.....

Cause, I play off of people.


FOLEY :  Yes, Indeed....


BERNIE :  And, whatever partner or whatever project I’m workin on ?

It’s a TEAM, it ain’t just ONE person.


FOLEY :  Yes, I’m just so glad YOU’re here man.

We getting’ to do this, man. FINALLY !!




And....I’m glad to be here, too !


FOLEY : Maaaannnn....You have NO IDEA !


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BERNIE : Because, Mr. Foley....

YOU are a Legend also....

and, it’s NOT just because of the GAME *haha*


FOLEY :    *Sigh*


BERNIE :  And, Why YOU're  not…

Well, I can’t say “Why You're NOT known”

Because, You ARE known.


FOLEY :  I am Humbled Mr. Worrell....TRULY


BERNIE : But , U should be known... MORE !


FOLEY :  But, I’m Perfect...right  where I’m sittin’

I SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT.....Knowing that I did NOT compromise

My Spirit...My Life....My SOUL !!


BERNIE :  That’s the Great Thing about YOU, Foley...

You're a Humble person... And, You're at PEACE !!


THAT’s the MOST important thing.


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FOLEY :  Yes, I AM at Peace, man....





Because WE’re about THE MUSIC  & music helps people…




And, it’s powerful...because it’s a gift from the Almighty.



Brutha Bernie Woo...THANK YOU again !


= We Laugh like Crazy =










= Big Thanks to "AMANDA P" for this wonderful Transcript =







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